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I'm Teri Lowen Burns. 


Born in Las Vegas, I grew up in Oregon before recently relocating to Las Vegas, Texas and currently Idaho.



Married for 20 years, I share my life with my best friend, Steve, and our three children.



 I'm a Prodigal daughter who dedicates her life to King Jesus.



but That wasn't always the case...



I wasn't raised in the church. At thirteen years of age I started smoking pot, at fifteen I started shooting Meth, and at twenty I found myself surrounded by drug informants and satan worshippers I called "friends." 



My cosmic battle with the enemy of my soul, his demonic horde, and his unholy "body of antichrist" - the unity - led to a  diagnoses of paranoid schizophrenia where I couldn't "decipher fantasy from reality."



and This is where my love story with Jesus begins.



I invite you to partake in this story with me - the word of my testimony - in my upcoming book, "Shattering Darkness: Unveiling the Unity."



coming soon.



"They triumphed over him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony" (Revelation 12:11 NIV).


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