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Writer's pictureTeri Lowen Burns

Discover the Untold Truth Behind Dog Food Recall Deaths…

Chances are you’ve heard about at least one of the dog food recalls in recent years.

Why does this keep happening?

What’s in dog food and treats, that in some cases…kills them?

And how can you prevent your fur baby from being next?

This might come as a surprise, but did you know the meat in dog food is drastically different from the meat sold to humans in grocery stores?

And…it’s not just the way it’s manufactured or packaged!

This includes dog treats!

FDA Regulated & Approved?

You see, dog food ingredients are subject to the same regulations as commercial animal feed, which are not deemed “edible” for human consumption by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Wait…isn’t dog food, including dog treats, regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as well as the Association of American Feed Controls Officials (AAFCO)?

Yes, they are.

But both organizations regulate dog food and treats differently and only the FDA has the authority to conduct investigations. In fact, the FDA relies primarily on customer complaints rather than regular inspections. Shockingly, when abhorrent practices by a dog food manufacturer are uncovered, the consequences merely result in a warning and written letter of acknowledgment.

Does that mean, when our beloved family member gets sick or dies from eating food we trusted because we bought it off the store shelf, there’s little repercussions?

That’s right!

So, what exactly is my dog eating?

I’m glad you asked!

As they say, “Knowing is half the battle!”

Yuck! That’s in My Dog’s Food?

Dog food or “feed” can include meat that is expired (picture that brownish/green pack of expired red meat that grosses you out at the grocery store), diseased (think…measles or tuberculosis) or contaminated with drugs.

Dog food can also contain:

· Hide

· Hair

· Digestive systems

· Udders

· Beaks

Now let’s talk about that infamous word on most bags of dog food: “meal.”

“Meal” ingredients not only contain meat from diseased animals, but also, road-kill!

Say it isn’t so!

Unfortunately, it is!

At this point, is anyone else contemplating natural human-grade dog treats and food?

If you haven’t lost your appetite yet, you’re about to…

Remember that expired meat we were just talking about? What do you think happens to all the plastic wrapping of the tainted human-grade meat before it ends up in your dog’s “meal” ingredients?

Nothing! All the packaging is included. Even restaurant grease finds its way into your dog’s food as a “meal” ingredient.

If your stomach isn’t churning enough yet, how about this fun fact…

Even euthanized animals – our beloved pets and family members who crossed over the Rainbow Bridge – can end up in Fiddo’s food as a “meal” ingredient…with the deadly chemicals used to kill them still in their systems!


Are you starting to understand why all the dog food recalls are happening?

I bet now you’re starting to consider natural human-grade dog food and treats!

Wait…There’s More?!

Okay, I’ve got one more for you…just in case you have a stomach of steel.

According to the FDA, “adulterated” food (human food that is too poor in quality to be sold to humans) that is allowed to be diverted into animal feed (including the dog food and dog treats sold on store shelves) include:

· Pesticide contamination (more than the allowed limits for humans)

· Industrial chemicals

· Drug residues (ones not permitted in human consumption)

· Rodent, roach or bird feces and urine

I don’t know about you…

But I think I just vomited a little in my mouth.

Natural Human-Grade Alternatives

No one wants their beloved dog to fall victim to injury or death, especially from the dog food and treats we buy them. But if you want to ensure your family member isn’t another statistic – act now – before it’s too late!

· Avoid dog food made with “meal” ingredients

· Don’t trust dog food & dog treat labels simply because they say FDA Approved & Regulated

· Make the switch to natural human-grade dog food and treats

Yes, your dog food & treat bill is going to increase. But ask yourself this question…

Is my dog’s life worth the extra cost?

Look, I get it!

I have two dogs that eat better than me on most days!

That’s why I started making my own dog food. It’s lighter on the wallet and easier to make than you think…

Using a crockpot, I put in an assortment of frozen vegetables, rice, broth, and lean meat (hey, even the cheapest human-grade meat in the grocery store is better than the stuff manufacturers put in kibble and canned food), and let it simmer hand’s-free for the afternoon.

To make sure my dogs are getting all the nutrients they need from their homemade meals, which they LOVE by the way, I add doggie vitamins to their diet. There are endless options to choose from off Amazon!

Real Dogs Get Real Treats

Now, dog treats are trickier to make at home. That’s why I give my dogs Puptastic Naturals Dog Treats. They’re 100% natural human-grade treats that your dogs will do tricks for!

Did I mention Puptastic Naturals Dog Treats are made in “human kitchens?”

To learn more about what that means, including additional information that will protect your dog’s life, click the link below to download the Puptastic Naturals Dog Treats FREE Guide:

[Download FREE Guide]

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