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Writer's pictureTeri Lowen Burns

How One Church Can Save Many Lives…

Dear Church,

Are You the One?

Like us, we know you’re passionate about your community.

After all, does it get more close-knit than East Texas?

We look out for each other, engage with one another, and keep an eye on each other’s kids and property.

“The whole country can be falling apart but you’ll never experience that here,” describes one Longview resident.

We take pride in faith, family, and the way we treat each other because our mission comes from upstairs!

Imagine for a moment…

Your daughter, wife, or mom finds herself alone, penniless…with nowhere to turn.

Maybe she’s like the widow in 2 Kings 4:1…

Or Naomi and Ruth.

Wouldn’t you want someone to take care of her? What if nobody did? What if everyone went about their day and ignored her…because she wasn’t their family member?

Foreigners in Their Homeland

Church, this is what’s happening in Longview…right here in our backyard!

Our moms, wives, and daughters are left ignored. There’re no jars of oil, fields to glean, or kinsman redeemers to offer hope.

But there is one place…

The House of Hope

Since 2006, Sister Helen Johnson has been caring for our widows and orphans by:

· Serving over 30,000 clients

· Providing more than 5,000 meals a month!

· Helping 28 newborn babies find forever homes through private adoptions

“There’s no place for me out there. House of Hope is the only place that makes sense to me. Sister Helen is the only person that makes sense to me.”

-House of Hope Client

The Bitter Truth

Now, picture this…

There is no House of Hope to take in your mom, wife, or daughter. The widows and orphans who are currently there are back on the streets…

Cold. Hungry. Scared.

She’s defenseless…powerless…vulnerable.

Where can she go? Will you take her in?

This is the story of Tanika…

She was dropped off in House of Hope’s parking lot by law enforcement after being released from the hospital at 8 months pregnant. Tanika doesn’t know where she’s from, what her real name is, what her birthdate is, or that she’s pregnant…

Because she’s schizophrenic.

Local mental health officials have no options…no resources for Tanika.

She spends much of her time at House of Hope trying to push the tumor out of her body…

Which is her unborn baby.

It Takes a Community

We’d like to say this is a make-believe story…but it’s not.

We wish we could say House of Hope will never close…but it could.

Sister Helen is almost 80 years old. As sharp as her mind still is, we’ll all succumb to our God-appointed timeline…one day.

She has run the race and fought the good fight…now she needs your help.

The time has come for Sister Helen to pass the baton.

House of Hope needs a new Director.

…Someone who shares Sister Helen’s heart for the lost women of Longview.

…Someone who shares her vision of ministering to ladies from all walks of life.

…Someone who will not only feed them nutritionally…but spiritually.

Do you truly believe the hope of the world is found in the local church?

So do we!

That’s why we’re asking you to partner with House of Hope in funding a new Program Director.

I Was Hungry and You Gave Me Food…

Please…help House of Hope continue to serve the homeless women of Longview and surrounding areas by committing to one of the following:

· 30 churches needed for $100 a month…or

· 10 churches needed for $300 a month…or

· 6 churches needed for $500 a month

Our goal is $3,000 a month, or $36,000 a year, to compensate a qualified Program Director to oversee the operations of House of Hope, continue the mission of providing food and a safe place for the vulnerable, and living out the Great Commission by bringing the Gospel to the lost.

Will you be Jesus and help House of Hope take care of God’s lost daughters?

We’re inviting you to partner with us and help advance God’s Kingdom forward…

We can’t do this without you!

YES! Our church will partner with House of Hope by committing to a monthly donation of:






Contact Name:_____________________________________________________________

Contact Number:___________________________________________________________

Mail to:

House of Hope

3011 West Marshall Ave.

Longview, TX 75604

Ph: (903) 295-0904


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