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Everything is personal. including this site.

"She should be a journalist," I heard my 5th grade teacher tell my mom during a school conference...

"You should take English as a minor," my writing instructor said while I was pursuing my computer science degree...

Oh, how the enemy of our soul works to derail us during the formative years - before we even know who we really are.

It wasn't until my junior year in Bible college that I truly understood, my enemy had been working to keep me silent my whole life.

You see...

I didn't know why Jesus called me to theology in the first place. "what am I going to do with a degree in bible?" I protested.

And women pastors? I cringed every time I saw reverend Karen stroup behind the pulpit on "king of the hill" episodes.


I chose women in ministry as the topic for my course paper in my third year. after more than 12 weeks of research in preparation to write my position, the savior of my soul revealed a dark, hidden plan that was set in motion before I was born - a plan to rob me of my voice.

but why?

Because the enemy of my soul knew my voice was going to be a threat to his kingdom
Before I did.

I invite you to journey through my engagement page and explore my writings on topics including:

*biblical exegesis how-to videos
*sales copies
*personal testimonies

*position paper on the holy spirt & the courts of heaven

with many more to come including:

*the case for low energy neurofeedback (lens) to treat anxiety 

*the sons of God & the nephilim
*why was Adam & eve kicked out of the garden?
*exodus out of Oregon

don't miss out!

 download a free copy of my book, "it's in what you're eating: the dangers of GMOs from a christian perspective," from the menu above.


check back for my upcoming book, "radically redeemed: no sin is too great and no life is too lost."

"Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it" (Habakkuk 2:2).

Contact Scribe & Scroll 

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